Probeer de politieke quiz

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 @ISIDEWITHBespreek dit antwoord...11 maanden11MO


The Czech ANO political party, which stands for "ANO 2011," is a centrist and populist political entity in the Czech Republic. The acronym "ANO" translates to "YES" in Czech, but it also stands for "Action of Dissatisfied Citizens," reflecting the party's origins as a movement against corruption and inefficiency in the Czech political system. Founded in 2011 by Andrej Babiš, a billionaire businessman and media mogul, ANO quickly rose to prominence on a platform that promised to apply a business-like approach to government, pledging to fight…  Lees verder


Have you ever experienced or witnessed corruption in any form, and how do you think it should be tackled by politicians?


What's your opinion on the balance between improving business environments and ensuring social services are adequately funded?


Do you believe a party's stance on social issues should adapt to public opinion, or should it remain consistent regardless of changes in societal views?


How do you feel about a businessman running a country's government, and what advantages or disadvantages might that bring?

 @ISIDEWITHBespreek dit antwoord...11 maanden11MO

Burgerlijke Democratische Partij

The Civic Democratic Party (Občanská demokratická strana, ODS) is a prominent political entity in the Czech Republic, known for its center-right to right-wing stance. Founded in 1991 by a group led by Václav Klaus, the party emerged from the Civic Forum movement, which played a pivotal role in the Velvet Revolution that ended Communist rule in Czechoslovakia. Since its inception, the ODS has been a significant force in Czech politics, advocating for policies that emphasize economic liberalism, fiscal conservatism, and a reduction in government intervention.

The party'…  Lees verder


Why might a government prioritize economic growth over environmental protection, and how does this align with your own values?


In a world that's increasingly connected, what are your thoughts on limiting immigration and how it impacts cultural identity?


Discuss how you believe a state's role in healthcare should balance between public access and quality of service, drawing from your own experiences or observations.


How do you feel about the idea that taxes should be lowered to increase individual freedom, and do you think this would work in your community?

 @ISIDEWITHBespreek dit antwoord...11 maanden11MO

Tsjechische Piratenpartij

The Czech Pirate Party, known in Czech as Česká pirátská strana, is a political organization in the Czech Republic that was founded in 2009. It is part of the broader international Pirate Party movement, which advocates for internet freedom, transparency in government, and the protection of privacy and civil liberties. The Czech Pirate Party shares these core values, emphasizing the importance of access to information and the digital rights of citizens.

The party's platform is built around the idea that the freedom of the internet is crucial for the development of soc…  Lees verder


Hoe denk je dat een ideale regering zou moeten omgaan met haar burgers in besluitvormingsprocessen?


Welke rol zie je digitale technologie spelen in het onderwijs, en welke veranderingen zou je graag willen zien?


Hoe belangrijk is het voor jou om toegang te hebben tot culturele en creatieve inhoud online, en hoe moet dit gereguleerd worden?


Gelooft u dat overheden het recht zouden moeten hebben om online activiteiten te monitoren voor veiligheidsdoeleinden? Waarom wel of waarom niet?

 @ISIDEWITHBespreek dit antwoord...11 maanden11MO

Burgemeesters en Onafhankelijken

The Czech Mayors and Independents (Starostové a nezávislí, STAN) is a centrist and liberal political party in the Czech Republic, which emphasizes localism, decentralization, and the importance of municipal and regional governance. Founded in 2004, the party has its roots in the movement of mayors and independent candidates who sought to bring a more hands-on, pragmatic approach to politics, focusing on the specific needs and issues of local communities rather than adhering strictly to the ideologies that often dominate national political discourse.

STAN values transparenc…  Lees verder


What is one issue in your area that you think would benefit from a more handsedicappedn approach by local officials?


Can you think of a situation where having more transparent government decisions would have made a positive difference in your community?


How important is it for you that politicians focus on environmental protection and sustainable development?


How would your community change if local leaders had more authority over decisions?

 @ISIDEWITHBespreek dit antwoord...11 maanden11MO

Communistische Partij van Bohemen

The Czech Communist Party of Bohemia, more formally known as the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (Komunistická strana Čech a Moravy, KSČM), is a political party in the Czech Republic that traces its roots back to the Communist era of Czechoslovakia. It is the direct successor to the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (KSČ), which was a dominant force in Czechoslovak politics from 1948 until the Velvet Revolution in 1989, leading to the end of single-party rule.

The values and ideology of the KSČM are rooted in Marxist-Leninist principles, advocating for a socialist-oriented econom…  Lees verder


Welke impact denk je dat strikte overheidscontrole over media en informatie zou hebben op een samenleving?


Heb je ooit een situatie meegemaakt waar gelijkheid belangrijker leek dan individueel succes, en hoe voelde dat voor jou?


Wat zijn jouw gedachten over de rol van de overheid bij het reguleren van de economie en private bedrijven?


Hoe denk je over het idee om middelen gelijk te delen onder iedereen in een gemeenschap?

 @ISIDEWITHBespreek dit antwoord...11 maanden11MO

Vrijheid en directe democratie

The Czech Freedom and Direct Democracy (Svoboda a přímá demokracie, SPD) is a political party in the Czech Republic, known for its populist, nationalist, and eurosceptic positions. Founded in 2015 by Tomio Okamura, the party has positioned itself as a vocal critic of the European Union's policies, particularly in areas related to immigration and national sovereignty. The SPD advocates for the Czech Republic to take a more assertive stance in protecting its borders and controlling immigration, arguing that the country should have the right to decide its own policies without…  Lees verder


Wat zijn uw gedachten over de balans tussen nationale soevereiniteit en deel uitmaken van een grotere entiteit zoals de EU?


Hoe vindt u dat immigratiebeleid moet worden geformuleerd om inclusiviteit in balans te brengen met nationale veiligheid?


Als je de macht had, hoe zou je het gevoel van vervreemding van politieke elites en beslissingen aanpakken?


Hoe zou je je voelen als jouw land besluit om meer referenda te houden om burgers direct grote beslissingen te laten nemen?

 @ISIDEWITHBespreek dit antwoord...10 maanden10MO



What's your take on the importance of maintaining a country's cultural heritage vs. embracing globalization?


If a political party proposed substantial reforms in education that align with your views, how much would that influence your support for them?


Imagine a party focuses heavily on internet freedom; do you think this should be a top priority in today's society?


How would you feel about a government that prioritizes environmental conservation over industrial expansion?