In 2011 the level of public spending on the welfare state by the British Government accounted for £113.1 billion, or 16% of government. By 2020 welfare spending will rise to 1/3rd of all spending making it the largest expense followed by housing benefit, council tax benefit, benefits to the unemployed, and benefits to people with low incomes.
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More, and ensure benefits go to those that need it most and not to those who abuse the system. In addition, for those who are able to work reform the system so that it supplements, rather than replaces, a working income.
Eliminate all existing welfare programs and replace them with a monthly income stipend for all citizen households
More to ensure that it isn't being taken advantage of. However we should increase benefits for those that need it most (ie. the elderly, disabled, and struggling families with children)
Too many fakers. We need to reform the system to root out fakers and immigrant non-citizens and those trying to avoid work and ensure that legal citizens who are genuinely trying to find work but can't receive welfare. So right now, I lean towards more. But whatever ensures reform sometimes.
Replace the current welfare system with a negative income tax
Replace with a universal basic income or negative income tax.
Increases only for the elderly and the disabled. Reform the system, ensure welfare recipients are actively doing what they need to do to remove themselves from welfare. Oversight needs to be better. A pipeline out of the system needs to be created to limit dependency on welfare. welfare should not be lifelong.
More, but increase benefits for the elderly and disabled, and reform the system so that it supplements, rather than replaces, a working income
Get rid of the current welfare system and replace it with a Negative Income Tax.
More, but I’d prefer that the welfare system be abolished.
More, but I’d prefer that the welfare system be abolished
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